Emmaus Road Church logo

About Us

Emmaus Road is a church rooted in our love for Jesus and passion to proclaim the message of God's grace to the Fox Valley with the following core values:

  • Gospel-centered: The Gospel is simply "good news". As a church we celebrate the "good news" that Jesus has reconciled a broken world, broken people, and our broken community. We acknowledge as a church we need this message each day.
  • A Village Church: We are young church that likes to have fun and be a family. We are a diverse community of people with all types of backgrounds and religious experiences. We are a place where trust can be built and people can process their faith in a loving environment.
  • Engaging God's Creation Creatively: Art, music, and other aesthetics play a role in speaking to individuals. Movies, music, literature, and the arts are part of God's Grace towards his creation. We celebrate these gifts and look to ways they can be part of the fabric of our church.
  • Emmaus Road Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in America whose ministry is "Faithful to the Scriptures, True to the Reformed Faith, and Obedient to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ." For more information, please visit their website at http://www.pcanet.org

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